Little of this is original. I have taken what I think to be the best ideas from many sources. You can do the same. Take what you like here and improve on it. I don't believe that wisdom should be limited, copyrighted, or sold.

As they say, it is easy to write a lot. It is much harder to write a small amount and get your points across in an understandable way. In trying to keep this as concise as possible, this book is just an outline and summary in many areas. I encourage doing further research in topics that interest you. This book builds on itself from beginning to end, and I only included things that I thought important. It does not contain all that is important, only that which I have learned so far.

This book builds on itself from beginning to end. You can skip around to the topics that interest you, but I wouldn't have included it if I didn't think it was important. It's a short book, just suck it up and read the whole thing. It took me a lot of time to research, organize, and write, but it took even longer to live it. Save time by learning from my mistakes.

Don't believe everything you read, including here. Spend a little time to research it yourself. I can't see any better use of your time, than spending it to make your life better. The more you learn, the more that you realize you don't know. Much of this may seem like common sense to you. The more that your life is in order, the more that good advice will seem like common sense.

My goal is that the reader will benefit by improving their lives, and the lives of those around them. We live our lives in chapters, let this be the start of a new one for you.

Please excuse any problems with the website. This is my first attempt at creating one.